3. Tutorial for build administrators

The following is a brief tutorial of the command line interface for karr_lab_build_utils. Note, the command line interface provides some functionality in addition to that described below. However, in general, these additional commands should only be run from CircleCI.

Except as indicated below, karr_lab_build_utils should be run from the package’s root directory, e.g. with a current working directory of ~/Documents/my_package.

To use the command line interface, your package should follow the organization scheme described in “An Introduction Whole-Cell Modeling”:

3.1. Getting help

Run the following commands to get help documentation about the command line utility and each individual command:

karr_lab_build_utils --help
karr_lab_build_utils create-repository --help

3.2. Versioning with Git and GitHub

3.2.1. Creating a repository for a package

Run this command to create a new repository (including both local and GitHub versions). This should be run from the package’s desired parent directory, e.g. with a current working directory of ~/Documents.:

cd ~/Documents
karr_lab_build_utils create-repository repository_name \
    --description description \

3.3. Statically analyzing code with Pylint

3.3.1. Statically analyzing a package with Pylint

Run this command to statically analyze a package using `Pylint https://www.pylint.org/`_:

karr_lab_build_utils analyze-package package_name

This will identify potential errors such as

  • duplicate arguments

  • duplicate dictionary keys

  • re-imported modules, classes, functions, and variables

  • unused imports, arguments, and variables

  • wild card imports

3.3.2. Visualizing all of the package dependencies

  1. Clone all of our packages

  2. Run this command to visualize the dependencies of your packages:

    karr_lab_build_utils visualize-package-dependencies --packages-parent-dir ~/Documents --out-filename ~/Documents/package-dependencies.pdf

3.4. Continuous integration with CircleCI

The commands described in this section require a CircleCI API token. Visit https://circleci.com/account/api to create a token.

3.4.1. Following a build for a package

Run this command to follow a CircleCI build for a package instead of using the CirlceCI web interface:

karr_lab_build_utils follow-circleci-build \
    --repo-owner <repo_owner> \
    --repo-name <repo_name>

3.4.2. Getting the environment variables for a package

Run this command to get the CircleCI environment variables for a package:

karr_lab_build_utils get-circleci-environment-variables \
    --repo-owner <repo_owner> \
    --repo-name <repo_name>

3.4.3. Setting a environment variable for a package

Run this command to set a CircleCI environment variable for a package:

karr_lab_build_utils set-circleci-environment-variable <name> <value> \
    --repo-owner <repo_owner> \
    --repo-name <repo_name>

3.4.4. Deleting a environment variable for a package

Run this command to delete a CircleCI environment variable for a package:

karr_lab_build_utils delete-circleci-environment-variable <name> \
    --repo-owner <repo_owner> \
    --repo-name <repo_name>

3.4.5. Triggering testing downstream dependencies of a package

  1. Save a list of your the downstream dependencies of the package in YAML format to .circleci/downstream_dependencies.yml, e.g.:

    - wc_lang
    - wc_sim
  2. Run this command to trigger CircleCI to test the downstream dependencies of your package:

    karr_lab_build_utils trigger-tests-of-downstream-dependencies

3.5. Statically analyzing code and performing coverage analysis with Code Climate

3.5.1. Creating a Code Climate build for a package

Run this command to create a Code Climate build for a package instead of using the Code Climate web interface:

karr_lab_build_utils create-codeclimate-github-webhook \
    --repo-owner <repo_owner> \
    --repo-name <repo_name>

3.6. Distributing packages with PyPI

3.6.1. Distributing a package by uploading it to PyPI

  1. Create a PyPI account

  2. Save your credentials to ~/.pypirc:

    index-servers =
    repository: https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
    username: <username>
    password: <password>
  3. Run this command to upload your package to PyPI:

    karr_lab_build_utils upload-package-to-pypi