2.4. Version and sharing data with Quilt¶
Conducting modeling reproducibly and collaboratively requires versioning and sharing data. Although Git/GitHub is well suited to versioning and sharing code and models, Git/GitHub is not well-suited to data because Git is based on line-by-line differencing of text files, because Git is designed for small files under 100 MB, and because Git requires the entire package and its history to be cloned. Quilt is a new system for versioning and sharing data with similar functionality to Git/GitHub and Docker/DockerHub.
2.4.1. Overview¶
Quilt is based on versioning packages of data, which are hierarhical trees of directories and files.
Quilt provides the following features:
Capability to version data packages
Capability to share packages with collaborators and with the world
Programmatic access to upload, download, and update packages
Web pages with READMEs to view and browse packages, including their histories
2.4.2. Using Quilt¶
See the Quilt documentation.