2.5.3. Making posters Abstracts

Conference abstracts often follow the same hourglass structure as paper abstracts (see Section However, there are a few salient differences between paper and conference abstracts.

  • Conference abstracts can often be longer than paper abstracts. As a result, a conference abstract can contain more details about your methods and results than a paper abstract.

  • Unlike paper abstracts, conference abstracts can be written from the perspective of the anticipated state of your project at the time of the conference. In particular, conference abstracts can describe ongoing work which papers typically do not discuss.

  • Oral and poster conference presentations rely heavily on the individual presenter. Accordingly, conference abstracts can be written from the first-person singular.

  • Abstracts for oral presentations should summarize the material that the presenter will tell the audience.

  • Abstracts for oral presentations can focus on the presenter’s body of work rather than a specific project. Content

Because posters provide limited space for text, figures, and tables, posters should focus on the most essential aspects of your work. It is not necessary to provide all of the details of your work. Because you will be standing next to your poster, you will be able to communicate directly with readers and verbally answer any questions they have. Furthermore, you can refer readers to papers and websites which contain additional information about your project. Layout

Often it is helpful to divide your poster into blocks or columns. Often it is helpful to layout the content of the blocks in this order

  • Title

  • Authors

  • Affiliations

  • Abstract

  • Overview of the problem you’re solving and why it’s significant

  • Methodology

  • Results

  • Future work

  • Conclusion

  • Acknowledgements

  • References Formatting

  • Size: 1 x 1 m

  • Font family: San-serif, Arial

  • Font sizes:
    • Title: 60 pt

    • Heading: 36 pt

    • Text: 24 pt Software tools

Illustrator is one of the best tools for making scientific posters. Inkscape can also be used to make posters. PowerPoint can also be used to make posters, but PowerPoint does not provide users as much control over the appearance of graphics as Illustrator.